August 27, 2008

Change is inevitable!

I have been receiving lots of comments from readers, old and new. Thanks a lot! Responding to those comments, there are few points that I want to make clear...
  1. I am learning CSS and XML in the little free time available. So you will be seeing a new look of the blog soon. But not before Diwali. But surely before November end.
  2. Yes, This blog is a Hodge-podge, or a heterogeneous mix. It is meant to be so! I am a very dynamic person, and my interests are more dynamic. So this blog will keep rolling out posts which really impresses me.
  3. That's where comments come in. Your comments will give me an idea as to what posts (on which subject) I should roll out. You've asked for articles on finance, so be it...
Keep reading and commenting. Your efforts will be rewarded... Hehehe!! Jai Gurudeva -- O.A.K. Tree

3 response:

Unknown said...

There is a script you are running on the pge that makes my firefox crash... please fix it

Omkar Kalbag said...

I apologize all those die-hard Firefox users for crashing their browser. I recently joined adbrite, an internet marketing site, to earn some income from ad publicizing. It was due to the faulty script in the widget that was causing the crash.

I have made some modifications and i promise that your firefox will be taken care of!

Jai Gurudev.

Faith Lasts said...


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