Since May 27, I have been aggressively hunting for a job with a suitable profile for my highly qualified status. Not that I am getting no calls for interviews, but the jobs being offered are not suitable for my profile. So meanwhile, I started hunting for part time jobs so that till I land on the desired job of Equity analyst, I get a chance to monetize my vacant time. Thus started the procedure of charting out a fresh CV that spoke more on my writing talents. I was keen on fielding jobs related to content writing. It has been two weeks since I started on this new venture. Half of the jobs I applied do not exist in reality. Those that exist want the candidate to work full time. Salary is so low that even peanuts seem to be a luxury product.
I also looked up part time jobs in classifieds and newspapers that announce vacancies. I was not a bit surprised that all the part time jobs in newspapers and online classifieds are 100% bogus. If the salaries they quote in the news ads were really true then why would people travel in the crowded trains and buses to earn half the amount they quote?? One ad claimed that their "Victim" could earn INR.50,000/- pm!!
Hey friends and readers, I have researched thoroughly what I am writing on! All the jobs that talk about work from home, doing envelope stuffing, craft assembly, or other tasks where you are (supposedly) paid by a company as an employee are all frauds. I have come across two sites that will describe in detail how those frauds work! and
Not every part time job is a scam, but today the situation in India is such that one is ready to work full time for a part time wages. Then why would an employer think of hiring a part time worker?
In universities abroad, students cannot afford the accommodation, medical expenses and tuition fees, so the student goes for the part time work at libraries, does medical billing work, or other small jobs. But in India, a student becomes suspicious hearing the part time job! In India, most of the part time job offers are con-jobs a way of defrauding and cheating people of money! It is nice to earn while you learn but there are better ways to do it!
More articles on jobs that can be done to afford your education, and entertainment expenses soon.
Hello world!
2 months ago
2 response:
nice one... :)
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