November 25, 2009

True Urban Development

Every year the newspapers and magazines come out with the analysis of which city is the best place to live. Our dear Mumbai ranks 142 out of 205 cities. Last year it was holding 148th rank. A marginal progress!

The question that popped up in my mind is what do the best cities have in common that mumbai does not have? What is the one factor that makes a city worth living. After considerable research, the answer was Urban Public Transport. And mumbai is currently facing a real challenge on that front. Especially considering so many people from all over mumbai shifting their base from their shanties in rural areas to customised slums near the pipelines and railway lines of mumbai!

While developing any city, great care and diligence is needed to decide how much portion of the navigable space should be road and how much should be footpath for pedestrians. And in city like mumbai even an inch of space matters a lot. Allocating more space to roads means more preference is given to motorists rather than pedestrians. If it were any city in America where population is less, most people have cars; then this approach, of more road space than footpath, would have been justified. But in Amchi Mumbai. There is plentitude of motorists and pedestrians. This will eventually lead to traffic jams not only for motorists but also for human beings. The railway bridges of major station of the central and western line are jammed by the human traffic during peak hours. The day won't be too long when there will be traffic lights for humans to move and stop.

The only solution for this would be efficient Public Transport. In the span of one hour on a busy road, all the cars and transport more than 4500 passengers. (assuming all cars are running on car-pool) But the same road in the same time can transport more than 40,000 people. Our mumbai locomotive trains transport more than 90,00,000 passengers on a daily basis, no exaggeration!! But if you look at the Mumbai transport system, least importance is given to Public transport. while private transport is given a great scope! Not that I am against private cars or motorists. In fact I too have a motor vehicle which I drive everyday.

What I mean here is a city like mumbai should improvise on the public transport more than what is now. Expansion of roads will mean more room for motorists to ply on but a dedicated lane for bus will mean faster bus movement. Certain cities have special areas where motor vehicles are not allowed. Only pedestrians and cyclists are allowed. This model can bring a lot of eco-friendly-ness in the city. But all this is very much hypothetical to begin with. What we need now is something more practical to begin with. The MMRDA has mooted the sky-bird plan. That is the mono rail that will ply along side the roadways of the city. But how much this will help is what I doubt!

This is one city where the people will never stop pouring in. The problem of public transport will be always a unsolved issue. But the development of a city mainly depends on it public transport system.

November 20, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom (15th Nov 09)

Bangalore ashram, Nov. 15, 2009

*Q.* Guruji, why is it that sometimes you answer certain questions and sometimes you don’t?
*Sri Sri:* There is a right time and place for every answer. If questions are asked at the wrong time, then silence is the answer.

*Q.* What kind of siddhis (powers) are required to be able to know what is happening in other places?
*Sri Sri:* An ordinary person through spirituality can know what is happening all over. Mansik shakti (strength of mind) is enough. When you put your attention somewhere, you can know what is happening there. Practice and you will see it is easy.

*Q.* When we sit for meditation sometimes we are disturbed by other people. If we are humble, then they take advantage of it. How do deal with this situation?
*Sri Sri:* Just leave it; you will see it will settle on its own. If it goes beyond a limit, then you can also roar. A lion simply sits, doesn’t roar all the time. Inside you must be pleasant, outside you can roar. To roar you need inner strength.

*Q.* How do you recognize that somebody is your real guru and for you? How do you know if someone is a true disciple?
*Sri Sri:* I don’t test anybody nor do I let anyone test me. If anyone will ask me, I will say, “No!” and move on! Divine really doesn’t test anybody. We think we are very good people and when difficulties arise we assume that the Divine is testing us. We don’t get into trouble because of our goodness: it is because of our foolishness. Some things are your karma. Some difficulties teach you lessons. Look back and see all those problems you have come out of. You will see that you have become stronger. This is what you should recognize.

*Q.* What is a sign of the dawning of wisdom?
*Sri Sri:* Prasanna chitta (pleasant state of mind) is a sign. Friendliness, foresight, intuition, a mind in the present moment – these are signs of wisdom.

*Q.* What is the truth behind this Universe? Is everything an illusion?
*Sri Sri:* This universe has come from one unchanging principle. Vedanta also says the same. Everything you see in creation is Maya- like dolls in a laser show, what you see is not the truth. The wave is not the truth, the water is the truth. The form and name are not the truth, the Tattva (the principle) is the truth. The pot is not true but the mud is the truth.

The same brahma tattva (Infinite, Supreme, eternal principle) is the tree, grass, stone and everything else in creation. Brahmatatvamasi bhavayatmane - All has come from that Brahman. This is the ultimate truth. Knowledge of the truth, that this creation has come from Brahman, comes through meditation - Sarvam kalvidam Brahma.

*Q.* How can one attain Siddhis (power)? How does it affect a person to
strive for Siddhis?
*Sri Sri:* A Sadhak or seeker will get many Siddhis on the path. However if you misuse them or start running behind them, you will be lost. Only when you are established, you can receive the true knowledge. One who knows never loses his equanimity.

The tradition of the Masters (parampara) is very important. If anyone moves away from the parampara, it may seem good for some time, but then it bringslot of misery. A sadhak should toe the line of the parampara. The sign of a devotee and seeker is to pick up the best and not try to find all the negative things about others. But if someone cheats, misuses the powers, they undergo the consequences. This should not deter from the path. You move on the path of knowledge.

*Q.* What is the ultimate goal of meditation?
*Sri Sri:* A pleasant equanimous state of mind. A blissful life without sorrow.

*“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”*
*~ Sri Sri*

November 16, 2009

Wise Guru Part 2

A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream.
The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him.
She did so without hesitation.
The traveler left rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But, a few days later, he came back to return the stone to the wise woman.
"I've been thinking," he said.
"I know how valuable this stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me this stone."

Sometimes it's not the wealth you have but your wise advice & insight is what others need.

November 15, 2009

Wise Guru Part I

A Guru or an Enlightened master is one who is so deep in wisdom that one line uttered by a guru can possibly transform a person's life. It is said that it can even turn a stone into a diamond! Wise Guru is a series of stories of such masters who have brought a revolution just by staying in wisdom. I sincerely hope that you'll love it

And for those who are eager to read more such stories they can hit Seeds of Wisdom

The story goes as below...
Once upon a time, a Master was to arrive in a village with his entourage. A villager, who was skeptical about the "Enlightened-ness" of the Master, thought of a plan to trick the Master and defame him. He decided to hold a butterfly in his palm, and ask the Master whether the Butterfly was alive or dead? If the master says it's alive, he would crush the butterfly to death. If the Master says its dead, then he would release the butterfly free and thus prove the Master wrong!

The Master, after entering the village, was addressing a large crowd of the villagers. The skeptical villager asked if he could ask a question. The Master agreed. The villager asked if he could come near him to ask the question. Again the master agreed. Skillfully, the villager trapped the butterfly in his palm and went near the master. The villager asked the Master, "You see, I am holding a butterfly in my hand. If you are truly enlightened then you will be able to tell me whether the butterfly is Dead or Alive? So is the butterfly dead or Alive???"

The master thought for a while and said, "My dear, It is all in your hands!"

November 14, 2009

What's the value of your "Peace of Mind"??? Part II

Part I of the story

Now, I saw that my hand was almost trembling with anger. That very moment I realised that I was not being myself. I knew it was time to apply knowledge! The first thing I did was Accept the People and situation as they are…

OK!! This is how my friend behaved; this is how the situation turned out. So What??? Accept it as it is. Next was to take right action. What could I do now? My mind started rummaging through the volumes of knowledge sheets I had read in past 5 years of AoL Life.

I then remembered Rishi Nityapragya's verse, often telling people: “Keep your mind happy. There is nothing in this world for which you can trade your peace of mind for!” I realized that I was losing my peace of mind for Ravi, the crowded trains, for my stupidity of listening to ravi, etc, etc. I firmly decided to keep my mind Calm, peaceful and happy; not subjecting my mind to the whims and fancies of the environment. That moment every illusion in my mind started evaporating. Things became still. Peace returned in my mind. By then the train towards home arrived. I boarded the train and stood near the doorway. The cool breeze actually cooled my hot mental engines! The train halted at Vitthalwadi. A voice within, quietly coaxed me to attend the Satsang. Mind agreed. After vitthalwadi, the train halted at Kalyan. I got down and sauntered towards the Satsang venue.

Suddenly, I realised how grateful I was to Ravi. It was due to him that I got to apply the knowledge points. I felt elated after applying the knowledge points. That very moment, all the acrimony against Ravi got washed away. Love for Ravi blossomed in my heart. If it had not been for Art of Living teachings, then I would have done unimaginable things with Ravi. The priceless relation I share with him would have severed within moments!!!

The Satsang that followed was simply amazing, something that can only be experience when you are on an advance course.

Jai Gurudev.

What's the value of your "Peace of Mind"??? Part I

Guruji has no need to test us, because he knows us very well. However, he puts us in such a position where we start doubting his divine existence? At times of trouble we pray hard, but prayers seem to be unheard by HIM. But no! HE is there to take care of even the silliest of the blunders we commit. The situation he puts us in always has a lifeboat. At anytime you feel you cannot handle it anymore, all you need to do is surrender. He takes care of the rest! That’s his “Role”. To make you realize that you are nothing without him. To make you realize that you are everything with him!

An incident that happened with me, yesterday, is just an example of what you just read above. I play guitar at Satsangs. One of the YES!+ teacher and close friend of mine, Ravi Kadam, asked me meet him at the Dombivli Station by 6:45pm so that we could go together for Satsang. The Satsang was at Kalyan, just two stations next to Dombivli. We both had train tickets and were waiting on the platform for the train. The slow train was so slow that, it seemed to take eternity to arrive. On the fast track, a train, “relatively empty” just passed by. Then a train arrived, “L'horrible: Ambernath Local”. It was so crowded that the ribs would have got crushed and our Bon Ami Ravi persuaded me to board the Ambernath Local.

The crowd was hostile. It was so much packed that even an ant would have found it difficult to pass through. And to my sheer craziness I boarded the train with my delicate piece of wood called guitar. The next challenge was to move from the one end of the door to the opposite end as the platform of Kalyan was to come on the other end. But my movement was restricted by the guitar I carried. I clutched my guitar with dear life. I made a barricade of flesh and bones to avoid the mindless people from throwing their obnoxious weight on the guitar. To my utter disappointment, I could not get down at Kalyan. I could not even move an inch forward. Then I decided to get down at the next station Vitthalwadi. But my fate had something else in store. The situation repeated. I moved partly towards the other end but could not get down. The train moved. Now I had to get down at Ulhasnagar. I prepared myself to get down at least at this station. Somehow, the divine grace (Read the Maddening crowd) managed to purge me out of the train. I almost tumbled out with my guitar.

The first thing I did after getting down at Ulhasnagar was to check the condition of the guitar, Any Torsioned “nuts”?... Sprained “neck”?... Cracks or ruptures on the body?... Any broken Strings?... NO!
But that had no effect on my boiling blood. In my mind, world war III had started. I already had some "problematic issues" with Ravi which I wanted to discuss and sort out with him. Frankly they were unresolved till that time. Over and above that, despite knowing that fact that the Kalyan local (The train which took eternity to arrive) would have deposited us directly to Kalyan, he took me on a hell ride in Ambernath local. My mind began to think how selfish Ravi was. He conveniently got down at Kalyan and left me in distress with my guitar. I knew he would not wait for me much and would walk off calmly as if nothing happened. My “Buttons” were pushed too deep!!!

I also knew Ravi would get anxious, a little, and would place a call. But my mind was not ready to hear his voice so soon. Enraged, I switched off my mobile. I crossed the bridge to the other end to go home. Yes, I did not want to go to Satsang now. So I got on the other platform and sat on the bench.

Now, I saw that my hand was almost trembling with anger. That very moment I realised that I was not being myself. I knew it was time to apply knowledge!... What I did then was amazing...

Part II

November 12, 2009

The world is not going to end in 2012

The reassuring voice dispelling fears of an apocalypse in that year brought a collective sigh of relief to the audience at the SMX convention center.
"We are going to see 2013, as good as 2012," declared international humanitarian leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

The spiritual head of the UN-affiliated The Art of Living Foundation gave this assurance not as a prophet but as a social activist who has taught people of different traditions and faiths the "art of living" through techniques that calm the mind and instill self-confidence.

It was a question begging to be asked amidst the anxiety generated by cataclysmic changes in the earth, fanned by a viral marketing hype for an upcoming disaster movie called "2012" directed by Roland Emmerich.

Forecasts of this cataclysmic or transformative event are based mainly on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21 or 23, 2012, the so-called ancient Mayan calendar prophecy.

It is not a doomsday scenario but a new beginning in humanity's consciousness, explained Sri Sri, echoing what the modern-day Mayan elder, Guatemalan Chile Pixtun, has been saying about the prophecy.

"During this time, the planet and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era," said the white-robed Indian teacher, a namesake of the popular Indian musician, called Sri Sri (meaning His Holiness) by his students.

"We are going to see a new consciousness developing, that of humanism," he told a small media group that he met before his public talk.

Unfounded fears

He recalled similar events in the past that stoked similar unfounded fears.

"Remember 1999, featuring the famous Nostradamus prediction? The second millennium came and the world is still existing."

"Remember the fall of communism? It took another 20 years to bring capitalism to collapse."

"Today, we live in a culture of caution and uncertainty of the times where banks can no longer be trusted. We live in a time when one's savings and livelihood can be wiped out overnight," he said.

He enjoined people to seek inner peace in the midst of a dynamic changing world, "to develop new attitudes and new ways of coping with the difficulties and hardships we are facing such as disasters, typhoons and flooding."

Ignorance creates problems

Saying that ignorance creates problems, Sri Sri travels to nearly 40 countries every year, committing to his role of "educating people, removing prejudice, teaching compassion."

Sri Sri was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee in 2008, in recognition of his work in peacemaking and conflict resolution in such areas as Iraq, Kashmir, Sri Lanka and Cameroon.

Before coming to Manila for his second visit, he was in Bangkok, Thailand, to speak at a Unesco conference about the need to eliminate a major social disease—depression—indicated by the growing incidence of suicides and drug abuse.

He said he was visiting Manila to see for himself the trauma relief efforts of AoL's Philippine volunteers on the victims of the recent twin calamities of "Ondoy" and "Pepeng."

Trauma relief

Local AoL volunteers have teamed up with the Red Cross to provide not only food but also trauma relief workshops, called the Breath, Water, Sound program, for thousands of people in the evacuation centers. The course consists of breathing exercises and sound meditation with lots of drinking water (for detoxification) to help manage stress.

Volunteer Denise Celdran has conducted the course for 12 street children that Childhope street teachers had gathered at the Museo Pambata. She remarked that the children don't have the judgmental intellect that too much education can sometimes bring.

"They are open and accepting and treat everything as fun and games," she said.

Every Saturday, for two to four months, the kids ranging in age from 7 to 13, learn breathing exercises and meditation in addition to regular schoolwork conducted by the Childhope street teacher. They are taught how to still the mind and feel safe within themselves.

The children were presented to Sri Sri during his public talk. The street teacher reported how they have shown a remarkable transformation, particularly in attention span and attitude.

Major social disease

Sri Sri considers depression a major social disease. "Conflict and stress steal human satisfaction, " he said.

His approach places sustainable development and social uplift side by side with value education.

Through programs that help people rid themselves of stress and inspire them to see the bigger meaning of life, Sri Sri has been successful in making violent aggressors calmer, happier and less prone to destructive emotions.

People who came to listen to his public talk, called "Let Love Win," did not hear a lot of words being said but were treated instead to two hours of destressing into music and positive affirmations.

It was long enough for Sri Sri to make his point: Why worry about 2012


November 5, 2009

Charging Cell phone battery... Wirelessly!!!

Imagine a situation... You are in the Express train, and your cell phone runs out of juice. You normally would set to find the Charging terminal in the train. But to my experience on years of traveling in the train, most of the charging points are "screwed up" and unusable. You then hop from bogie to bogie in search of a "perfect point". Finally, if luck is in your favor your phone gets refueld else you end up wondering how all the passengers seem to have chosen the very time to charge their cell when your cell is out cold?

There are many times in our lives when the cell phone is indicating low battery and we are desperately seeking a way to get the cell phone charged like a thirsty fella searching for a glass of water...

Very soon the "finding a charging point" would be a thing of the past. Enter the world of Wireless Charging.In near future you may just have to enable your bluetooth and pair it up with the "Recharger" Bluetooth. You Cell phone will be then ready to rock the world! That's quite like the stunt taken out from Sci-Fi Movie, you'll say! Well no...

The idea of wireless power transmission is not new. In 1899, Nikola Tesla wirelessly transmitted 100 million volts of electricity 26 miles to light 200 bulbs and run an electric motor. However, at that time direct current (DC, which is the wired method) and alternating current (AC) were competing technologies. DC, backed strenuously by Thomas Edison, emerged the winner.

But how does the Wireless charging work? For that we'll have to learn the technical basics.

Lets get Technical!!!
Wireless charging is any of several methods of charging batteries without the use of cables or device-specific AC adaptors. Wireless charging can be used for a wide variety of devices including cell phones, laptop computers and MP3 players as well as larger objects, such as electric cars. There are three methods of wireless charging: inductive charging, radio charging and resonance charging.

Inductive charging is used for charging mid-sized items such as cell phones, MP3 players and PDAs.
In inductive charging, an adapter equipped with contact points is attached to the device's back plate. When the device requires a charge, it is placed on a conductive charging pad, which is plugged into a socket.

Radio charging is used for charging items with small batteries and low power requirements, such as watches, hearing aids, medical implants, cell phones, MP3 players and wireless keyboard and mice. Radio waves are already in use to transmit and receive cellular telephone, television, radio and Wi-Fi signals. Wireless radio charging works similarly. A transmitter, plugged into a socket, generates radio waves. When the receiver attached to the device is set to the same frequency as the transmitter, it will charge the device's battery.

Resonance charging is used for items that require large amounts of power, such as an electric car, robot, vacuum cleaner or laptop computer. In resonance charging, a copper coil attached to a power source is the sending unit. Another coil, attached to the device to be charged, is the receiver. Both coils are tuned to the same electromagnetic frequency, which makes it possible for energy to be transferred from one to the other.The method works over short distances (3-5 meters).

At least my mom will be pleased to know this as she dislike the wires dangling from the electric point. Also the wires add pretty decently to the clutter on the desk.

Enjoy the freedom of Clutter Free life!

November 2, 2009

Guru Parampara: The Lineage of the enlightened masters!!!

Spending even few hours with bawa and dinesh is sufficient for anyone to get loads of vital information and profound knowledge. They both always have something new and fresh to share with the youth, inspiring them to work for the betterment of the society.

Yesterday, Bawa shared a gracious story of our guru parampara. Guru parampara is the lineage of the enlightened masters. The lineage is actually very very long. But it is said that Adi Shankaracharya revived the hindu bhagwat dharma.  And the lineage continues from him.

Shanakaracharya had four disciples. First was Padmapada. It is said that once when Shankaracharya called Padmapada, who was walking at the opposite bank of the lake, he ran across the lake without any hesitation. And wherever his feet fell on the water the lotus sprang up to support his feet. Hence the name Padmapada. Second was Hastamalaka. Malaka means berries. Holding berries in the hand is very easy. Similarly for Hastamalaka living life was as easy as holding berries in the hand. Hence the apt name.

Third was Vatikakara. Vatikakara was very erudite person. He engaged a debate with Shankaracharya which went on for fifteen long days. There was a tie between the two even after fifteen days. So vatikakara's wife then came up with an idea. She put a garland of flowers on both, announcing the a tie between the two. The same evening, She surprised everyone in the audience by announcing Shankaracharya to be the winner. When questioned how she arrived at the decision she said that the flowers which she put on her husband had wilted due to the body heat which rose due to the agitation he had in mind although he did not reflect it.

Fourth was Trotakacharya. Trotakacharya was like a dumbo amongst the four. He was not interested in learning the scholarly texts. He would immerse himselfe in the service of his master. He would make food dor him, prepare his bed, and attend to all his needs. However Shankaracharya would never start his discourse without his presence. Trotakacharya would usually dose off to sleep during the discourse. But Shankkaracharya would never ever start the discourse without Trotakacharya. Once it happened that Shankaracharya was waiting for Trotakacharya to attend the session. Other three disciples were getting impatient waiting for him. Trotakacharya soon enters the hall singing the most difficult raga, in the utmost difficult meters, and that to the song which speaks of the philosophy of the master (guru) in only Ten lines!!!

It is said that when you do seva of the master, then even in that service, you get the knowledge which master wants you to get.

Our lineage decends from Trotakacharya. The names of the guru in our lineage after Trotaka is not known but it transcends down to Bhramanada Saraswati. Then to Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, then to H. H. Sri Sri RaviShankarji.

And from Guruji to Bawa and from Bawa to Me (and all of us). Well, Make good use of the opportunity you have got!