December 10, 2008

I share my skills

It was really worth traveling all the way to Salil Bhaiya's home at five in the morning. After the warm-ups, padmasadhana, short kriya, Salil spoke about YES!+ SING SING stands for Share, Inspire, Nurture and Grow. It was a beautiful session but I will be talking about it later. After listening the inspiring session, I felt like sharing something with you. Some of you might be knowing that I being a finance professional, I have a lot of work on MS Excel. In the firm where I worked for past 11 months, I learn't a lot about excel. I strived to achieve mastery over it. I am not claiming that I am the master, but have learn't even the VBA codes with which I can manipulate the way excel ordinarily functions! After leaving the job for the sake of completing my professional exam of CFA, I felt that I was slowly losing out on the Excel expertise. So first I undertook a project of making a calendar. This is a unique calendar. You select the month and the year. The cells below will show the dates in that month and it takes care of the leap year and 30/31 days in the month up to the year 2025. I felt nice that after a long time I took some challenging activity on excel. But that did not suffice. I still lacked sufficient practice on the Macros. It was until I stumbled across the Yahoo Answers. This is a place where people ask questions, experts answer those questions and curious ones can discover the resolved question and update their GK. It has a various sections. I recommend that you visit the site. It is There I searched for the queries on Excel and macros. There were plenty of them. Unresolved! While answering the questions I had to practically solve the queries in the excel sheet. This helped me exercise the EQ (Excel Quotient... hehehe). I felt nice to hear the "Thanx a lot. You are Awesome" replies after their Q's were solved. Felt nice when I did not let my talents go waste. I am not writing this post with an intention to blow my trumpet about how good I am at excel. But I want each one of you to practice and hone your talents. The talents that you have are really a god's gift. If you do not take out time to polish your talents they rot. When you realize this it could be too late. I want everyone of you to find out your talent and practice it everyday! Jai Gurudev!

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