Breaking News is the 21st century lexicon. I did one hour research on the web about how this word first came to use. The CNN guys started it to get peoples attention to a really bad news. In the initial days of its usage, the word would flash once or twice a week when a plane would crash or a commercial complex would catch fire. Mostly these types of news would be freshly baked ones.
Now a days, most loved word in the red background flashes even during 5am and this news would mostly be 2 to 3 days old!! On one of the channel, They were showing videos from and the breaking news flashed below the screen. I read the flashing message. It said that the news channel had discovered that a dog could sing with the master playing piano. I was aghast with all that was going on. I don't know what to call it? Plagiarism or fools play? Something that's on a video channel that they download and show it publicly claiming that they have covered the news. Gosh! when will the media industry report real news.
Who's really bothered to know about the minister dozing off in some miscellaneous conference meet, or about some movie celerity sneezing or if they run out of their news reserves then topics of dysfunctional male are discussed! The 9pm debates are the most wackiest and most craziest show on earth. The bi-spectacle guy or dame willfully and intentionally pours oil in the fire and this keeps their pockets warm!! What a way to earn a living?? My question is "Will debates solve the burning topics of Naxalism, Rising Food Inflation, Soaring Mercury in Summer, Water Woes? and lots of unsolved and neglected issues."
Come on! It's high time now. Stop the silly things. Media industry is one of the power pillars of a nation. With power comes responsibility. Remember spider-man saying this in his movie? It is very much critical how wisely this power is put to beneficial use!
May god bless us all and help us lead in right direction. Amen.
Hello world!
2 months ago
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