Have you ever done swimming with intensity? Well, I just did it...
On Aug 2, 09 I participated in the picnic to a water resort near Ambernath. My love with water is unparalleled. I can even make out the proximity of the water body just by smelling it. I'm not kidding!! When we reached the water resort, we first did our long kriya in a nice cool open-hall. After kriya we had a swift breakfast. Everyone was eager to take a plunge in water. After a hot cuppa coffee, everyone got into their swimming clothes and started entering the pool. Most were crazy to enjoy the thrill of the water slides. Some wallowed in the other pool. I have no problem with water or staying in water except that I didn't know to swim then. We also had company of Savita di. Before entering in water she said how each volunteer should become. She said that if bawa tells us to take a course in Andaman, you should not hesitate a bit by thinking how to go there, how to take a course in Andaman, in the midst of the ocean! That was actually the seed of my intensity!
I entered in the pool only due to one reason. It was shallow enough for me to stand in pool. I played in the pool, checked out the water slide by slipping down over them, did all that the resort had to offer. Then while in the pool, I firmly decided that I will join swimming class ASAP!!
I came out of water just before Lunch. Lunch was a gastronomic delight! It was the best buffet lunch I had. Everyone savored the scrumptious Lunch. Especially because everyone was famished after so much of fun in water. After I came home, I declared my intentions to my parents. Father's expression was like; OK Finally you want to learn it, good. Its still not late!
Then I joined Yash Gymkhana. Most people who knew to survive in water told me that I should have joined KDMC Swimming Pool. But I do not repent my decision. It's ultimately a municipal property, who knows how the coach will be. Well, At least in Yash, I (and Aman) have a good instructor. At first, I thought 45 min. in pool would be too short time for practice. But the Leg exercises in pool made me change my opinion. For the first four days, I was completely exhausted when I came out of the pool. But I entered the pool with the undying intensity. I practiced with passion. Although my legs were aching, I continued with the leg work. Then on the fifth day, I untied the safety float off my back and checked out if I could still propel myself in water? VIOLA! EUREKA! Om Namah Shivaya! I was moving ahead!! But there is still along way to go, because I was practicing without the float in the shallowest end of the pool.
I still have to learn it completely! Very soon, I will be fulfilling my dream of swimming like a pro! All with the grace of the master ;-)
Very soon
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