March 2, 2009

Review: Ratatouille

Aaah! This is one well made movie. Must congratulate Walt Disney - Pixar Studios for creating splendid animation! The details in the movie is par excellence. And please its not Rat - a - tuli, its is pronounced: Rat-a-tui

Its a movie on a rat named "Remmy". Well a rat with a bunch of unique taste buds. When most rats preffer stealing food that are considered unconsumable by humans, Remmy would go around shopping for exotic ingredients in and around the garbage can for his evening meal. And guess what, he also does not miss the Chef Gustaue's Episodes on cooking. Remmy strongly believes in Chef Gustaue's philosophy that "Anyone can Cook" The adventure starts right from the begining of the movie till the credit rolls at the end!

The movie holds you glued to your seat. Not an "Edge of the seat" Action movie, but still once you watch the movie for 15 min, you would not even think of getting up till the movie ends. There are chases thrown here and there and some stolen kisses, nevertheless, an ultimate adventure.

The crux of the movie is worth observing. This is one movie entertains kids and adults alike. Fun for kids and philosophy for adults. A lot to learn from this movie. What more shall I say? To read more review click here to go to bawa's opinion on this movie. 
